A Member’s perspective on Upcoming Election

Dear Neighbors,

The Property Owners Association will soon be mailing you ballots for this year's elections of POA Board members.  The POA Board makes decisions that affect our land, our lakes, golf, our Common Property, and anything that has to do with our amenities  - in other words, our investment and future. We elect these Board members to speak on our behalf and always do what is in the BEST INTEREST of its members.

Many of you have asked me over the years, various questions about the Board and I try to make my first response:   "Do your own research and then vote for whom you feel is best for our community." After that, I will tell you for whom I think you should vote. 

This year, there are FOUR positions to fill on the Board.   Each lot that you own, gets to vote for 4 positions.   Example:   if you own 3 lots, the vote you cast is multiplied by 3  for any four you choose.  NOTE:   there are FIVE (only 5) running this year.   So, only one will NOT be selected for the Board.

I would strongly endorse Dan Berghamer as one of your 4 choices.  His experience: business owner, business consultant, and managing various other entities.   Dan believes ~ “Members First" (before the public) ~ and wants our restaurants  to begin making a profit.  

With our $37 each month, the POA subsidizes our restaurants, golf courses, biking trails, walking trails, disc golf and other amenities, while the public uses them (at no monthly cost to them).   NOTE:  I am totally in favor of subsidizing these amenities, but why should WE pay MORE than someone who lives, say, in Bentonville? 

Here is his campaign video where he clearly states his goals and objectives if elected as a Board Director. 

Dan’s Video

Again, I hope that you do your own research and vote your best decision.  

ADDITIONALLY:  I strongly encourage you to follow any of the monthly meetings of the City Council, POA Board, Board of Zoning Authority, and the Planning Commission.  Covid has prompted all of these governing bodies to video all public meetings, so you have the opportunity to watch and know what is happening (changing, morphing) in and to your city, all within the convenience of your home.

Have a great week!


Candidate Questions 2021


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